About Us
Botel Albatros is the first of three botels in Prague. It was opened in 1969, and to this day, it still offers unique, romantic accommodation designed to elicit the atmosphere guests experience on boats. But there’s no need to worry; although Botel Albatros is a boat, it is classed as a stationary floating establishment and anchored all year round on the right bank of the Vltava between Hlávkův bridge and Štefánikův bridge, making it an integral part of the River Vltava.
The botel’s prominence adds to the atmosphere of a shipping port. Botel Albatros has 86 double cabins, which are equipped with sanitary facilities (shower, WC), satellite TV, central telephone and Wi-Fi and are located on the first and second floors. The third floor has a restaurant and bar, the main feature being the terrace, which offers a gorgeous view of Prague Castle and the River Vltava.
Corporate Information
Balbínova 496/8
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
VAT number: CZ63079372
Bank details: Československá obchodní banka, a. s., Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5
Číslo účtu CZK:
CZ26 0300 0000 0003 3995 0670
Číslo účtu EUR:
0300CZ93 0300 0000 0003 3995 0531
The company is registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, file 3176. Trading company: Trilton as, Company ID: 630 79 372, Tax Identification Number: CZ 630 79 372, with registered office: Prague 4, Na dvorecké louce - Botel Racek, Postal code 147 00